Show Team  (Feb 3 - Aug 12) 

  • Feb 3-17
    Audition Workshops (Feb 3, 10 & 17) $125 per student

  • Feb 24 - Aug 12 $125 per month, per student
    Cast Rehearsals ($125 per month)
    + $50 Uniform & Costume/ Production Fee

We are excited to introduce a new audition format for the Show Team! Auditions will now take place over 3 workshops. These sessions allow students to engage with show material, challenge themselves, and showcase growth through practice and improvement. This inclusive approach removes the pressure of traditional auditions, enabling more students to explore the Show Team process. At the end of workshops, the team will be announced, and those cast will proceed with the remaining rehearsals.
See calendar here.

Parade Team 

  • $125 per student (+ $100 for winter season) 
  • $15-100 Uniform Fee ($15-100)

During the Parade workshop, students will learn a routine and have a week to practice and refine it before auditioning. Most students are expected to make the team, provided they can perform the routine independently, without assistance, and demonstrate the stamina and agility needed to perform it for up to a mile, the length of our longest parade.
Each student will need to purchase a new shirt for the new season, but the jacket and parade belts will not change. If you were on the 2024 season and still have yours, you're all set. See calendar here.

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